Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photo Hunt and Critter Creatures

The theme for this weeks Photo Hunt is "wrinkled". There are no better wrinkles then on the bottom of a new born baby's foot.


Camera Critters

This is Sacha. One of her most favorite spots until John broke the chair lol. She looks so content her eyes are crossed!



Lapa37 said...

Cute wrinkly feet and pretty kitty.Who does look oh so comfy.

Carletta said...

Ah, I love the wrinkly feet!
That cat sure is just 'hanging' around.
Nice post.

Mom Knows Everything said...

What a precious photo of the little toes! Kitty looks totally comfy!

Juliana said...

nice cat

My CC : in here Thanks

Ladynred said...

What a lovely cat! looks very comfy.
Mine's up too!
For the Love of Pets

bobbie said...

Sacha looks so very comfortable!

and I love that little foot. thought I was the only one who always photograph babies' feet.

Rambling Woods said...

Love a baby's cute and of course I love a kitty...

Anonymous said...

Sacha look very comfy and well balanced :)

My critter is here

Rhea said...

Oh, you're killin' me! I love baby feet and comfy looking cat poses. Sacha is beautiful! Great share!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

I love your Photo Hunt photo.

Sacha does look happy and content. Sorry about the chair though. Her eyes are funny.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Awwww the baby's foot looks so cute!!! And your cat has the strangest expression! He'd better stay away from the catnip, eh? ;)

My Photo Hunt is up, too! Please visit and leave your link. :)

Cátia said...


Kelly said...

Sacha is so cute! She looks so comfortable! It's amazing how cats can just relax anywhere and in any position! Wonderful photo!

Berleen said...

ha ha! What a lazy butt!

Baby feet!!!!! Love baby feet....

AppleDebbie said...

Oh I love the footy picture. And pretty kitty Sacha looks so relaxed on the back of the chair!

i beati said...

home grown cat - happy cat sandy My son's cqt is named Sascha also and the same coloration - funny

healingmagichands said...

She looks a trifle TOO relaxed! Was there catnip involved?

ratmammy said...

haha! she looks so relaxed!

Jen said...

There might have been catnip involved. We make cat nip balls out of the girls old socks and always have a few laying round the house for them to play with.

Misty DawnS said...

The crossed eyes part made me burst out laughing! That is precious and hilarious!

Gretchen said...

Very wrinkly feet and such a cute cat!